Live&Learn Vanuatu has a number of projects that are running at present. There objectives include:
Safe drinking water is vital for healthy communities |
To deliver education that is relevant to community needs and improves livelihoods. One project is the Water And Sanitation Hygiene Project (WASH) Live&Learn manage to deliver important messages to the communities about clean hands and food preparation, water testing to ensure water is suitable for consumption and use, and toilets construction to ensure that faeces is contained and does not contaminate gardens or water supplies. This information is vital for the health of the community especially the children who are often more susceptible to getting sick.
Resource Centre
To begin the process of constructing an Environmental Resource and Education Centre that will be used to increase public awareness of issues and promote knowledge sharing. The Resource Centre provides community access to educational resources and promotes opportunities to participate in relevant environmental workshops and training days.
Children and Peace Building
To increase awareness among children about their rights and the inclusion of children's social issues in the social, economic and political agenda. Resources and education material will be developed, tested and applied through schools and education institutions.
Coconut Crab Monitoring
To conduct stock assessment, training, delivering awareness programs and distributing educational resources about the vulnerability of the coconut crab. The coconut crab is listed as an animal species locally vulnerable to exploitation and as an animal of cultural and economic value.
To pilot effective models for governance and implementation of REDD+ in small Island Developing States. To provide equitable benefits for forest dependent local and indigenous people. Organized into four components, which includes education and community mobilization, local level capacity building, sustaining environmental, economic and social benefits, and strategy development.
Climate Change and food Security
To set up food demonstration sites in the Sanma and Shefa province and to identify village based technology and opportunities for innovation whilst conducting training of the Climate Leaders using educational and Leadership resources.
Human Rights
To strengthen the capacity of local human right defenders to combat sexual exploitation of children and sexual violence against women. Actions include developing learning resources with a focus on practical action, and supporting media reporting on human right abuse.
Invasive Species
To test and model preventative measures to limit the spread and ecological impact of invasive species in Small Island Developing States. This includes developing resources to support action on invasive species and to strengthen the capacity of Government to control invasive species.